PROTASIS has been designed based on an advanced, comprehensive, evidence-based,and most importantly victim-led methodology. The project’s scientific and practical activities are built on existing knowledge and research from previous EU funded projects, as well as the identification and exchange of good practices, aiming to transfer and develop efficient working methods for police officers in Europe.


The activities of PROTASIS include:

The initial activities of the project aim to formulate the basis for the development of the training module. During a 2-day work visit in UK, the project partners will identify and exchange good practices, while interacting with the UK police officers to obtain knowledge on how the individual assessment and referral pathways work in the British system. The sharing of good practices will be transferred into the training module, through a combination of evidence-based methodologies and practical knowledge. The interdisciplinary material that constitute the content of the training, will be structured into a 20-hour training program.

As part of the PROTASIS project, the partners from Greece, Italy and Portugal will perform an extensive cataloguing of available general and specialist victims’ support services in their respective countries. These catalogues will serve for the development of effective referral pathways for the victims when communicating with the Police, as well as enhance cross-sector and multi-agency cooperation among victims’ services.

More than 200 police officers in 3 different member states will be trained using a variety of educational tools and interactive methods during the 20-hours of training module consisted of seminars and workshops. The training will include the following main sections:

  1. Knowledge Oriented Seminars on the Victims’ Directive, victimology, gender- and child-specific issues.
  2. Skills’ Oriented workshops on communication skills and individual assessment of victims’ needs.
  3. Signposting and Referral Pathways Seminars for networking with victims’ support services.

For more information on the training click here

A scientific evaluation will assess the training module and estimate its impact on the everyday working life of police officers. More specifically, it will assess the curriculum design, the organisation and delivery of the training, the trainers’ capacity, as well as the benefits of the training and possible obstacles identified by the trainees to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired. The evaluation and impact assessment of the training will be conducted by an independent to the delivery partner. The findings and conclusions will assist in the further enhancement of the training program

The awareness-raising and dissemination activities of the project aim to sensitize the professionals and stakeholders, as well as the general public, on the issues, challenges and difficulties that victims face when interacting with the Criminal Justice System. It will stress the importance of appropriate training of professionals in general, and most importantly police officers that interact with victims, and particularly vulnerable victims, such as children and women victims of gender based violence.

The project’s campaign will inform all relevant stakeholders and practitioners, as well as academia, scientific experts, victim support services, relevant organisations and NGOs about the available training materials, and further support the cooperation and promote the development of national cooperative networks among stakeholders.

The project’s outputs and results will be disseminated on national as well as European level through a combination of selected methods, such as online promotion, networking meetings and conferences.

Τhe project’s beneficiaries and target groups include:

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    Police officers

    Police officers: at least 70 police officers per country will be involved in the training, i.e. a total of 210 police officers from 3 states (Greece, Italy, and Portugal)

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    Wide Number of Professionals

    A wide number of a wide professional, specialized and academic audience that will follow the works of the project through dissemination and awareness raising actions.

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    Wide number of victims

    A wide number of victims of crimes, especially women and children, who will benefit from the project as a result of the professionals’ improvement of knowledge and skills.