The Protasis Project took part in the European Commission web campaign ‘NON.NO.NEIN.’ for combating violence against women. An information article about the project features on the campaign’s website and members of the project team were interviewed and offered testimonials in support of the campaign’s efforts to tackle violence against women.

The NON.NO.NEIN. campaign is carried out by the European Commission in an effort to spread the message “Say no! Stop violence against women” and raise awareness on the issue of violence against women.

Drawing attention to the work done by a variety of stakeholders across the EU and disseminating good practice and relevant EU-funded projects, the European Commission promotes mutual learning, stakeholders’ networking, and exchange of good practices across the EU in an effort to raise the profile of European actions to end violence against women.

As Professor Vasso Artinopoulou, Scientific Coordinator of Protasis, explains in the article, the police’s response to women victims of violence often results to a lack of trust in the police forces and contributes to underreporting:


In response to that, the PROTASIS project aims to contribute to survivor-friendly, gender- and child-sensitive procedures and environments by equipping police officers with the soft skills to make women who have experienced violence feel heard, understood and respected.

More than 200 police officers will be trained as a result of the project, helping create better environment for women in the legal system wherever women who have experienced violence come into contact with the police, aiming to enhance their rights and facilitate their access to justice.

To read the full article about the Protasis Project click here.

To download the article, click here.