The PROTASIS project is implemented by a consortium of 6 organizations, led by the international organization European Public Law Organization (EPLO), and supported by 3 Associate Partners. The partner organizations are experts in the area of victims’ rights and have extensive experience in the organization and implementation of relevant projects, on both national and European level. Prof. Vasso Artinopoulou, an international expert on the issue, and Head of the Crime and Criminal Justice Unit and the Gender Issues Unit of EPLO, holds the scientific responsibility of the project’s works.
Additionally, the project is supported by 3 Associate Partners that are very well placed to secure the cooperation of the stakeholders into the project implementation:
- The Ministry of Interior/ Hellenic Police Headquarters (Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών/ Αρχηγείο Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας, Greece)is the Security Force having local competence all over the Greek territory. Its mission concerns the crime prevention and suspension, ensuring public peace and order and the unobstructed co-existence of the citizens, as well as the prevention and aversion of foreigners from illegally entering and leaving Greece.
- The Ministry of Internal Affairs(Ministro Da Administração Interna, Portugal) is the Portuguese government department whose mission is the formulation, coordination, implementation and assessment of internal security policies, control of borders, protection and rescue, road safety and electoral administration.
- The Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire, Barpenden Police Station(UK), is the police and crime commissioner for the Hertfordshire Constabulary force area.